

<Grid x:Name="g1" Background="Red" Margin="10">  
    <DockPanel x:Name="d1" Background="Orange" Margin="10">  
        <Grid x:Name="g2" Background="Yellow" Margin="10">  
            <DockPanel x:Name="d2" Background="LawnGreen" Margin="10">  
                <TextBox x:Name="textBox1" FontSize="24" Margin="10"></TextBox>  
RelativeSource rs = new RelativeSource();  
rs.Mode = RelativeSourceMode.FindAncestor;  
rs.AncestorLevel = 1;  
rs.AncestorType = typeof(Grid);  
Binding binding = new Binding();  
binding.RelativeSource = rs;  
binding.Path = new PropertyPath("Name");  
textBox1.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, binding);
// 设置tbx绑定到了g2的名字
// 等价的xaml描述
< TextBox Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorLevel=1, AncestorType={x:Type Grid}}, Path=Name}"><TextBox>


IsHitTestVisible=”False” Focusable = “False”


ns: System.Windows.Data

Mode description
Self 自身的其他属性,属性间的相互影响
FindAncestor 界面布局上的相关性
TemplatedParent Refers to the element to which the template is applied. This is similar to setting a TemplateBindingExtension and is only applicable if the Binding is within a template.
PreviousData Allows you to bind the previous data item (not that control that contains the data item) in the list of data items being displayed.

// From StackOverFlow If you want to bind to another property on the object:

{Binding Path=PathToProperty, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}

If you want to get a property on an ancestor:

{Binding Path=PathToProperty, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type typeOfAncestor}}}

If you want to get a property on the templated parent (so you can do 2 way bindings in a ControlTemplate)

{Binding Path=PathToProperty, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}

or, shorter (this only works for OneWay bindings):

{TemplateBinding Path=PathToProperty}