• 参考文章
  • Note
  • 错误示范


    package com.example.demo;
    public class AppTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
            ServiceA bean = (ServiceA) ctx.getBean("serviceA");
    public class ServiceA implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor
        private ServiceB serviceB;
        public ServiceA(ServiceB serviceB) {
            this.serviceB = serviceB;
        public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory configurableListableBeanFactory) throws BeansException {
            log.info("---post factory---");
    public class ServiceB {
        public void printHello() {
            log.info("---hello serviceB---");
    Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [com.example.demo.ServiceA]: No default constructor found
    Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.example.demo.ServiceA.<init>()

    错误输出, 提示找不到 ServiceA 的默认构造函数。


    serviceA 依赖了ServiceB, 如果它只是个普通的 @Component, 那么spring是能够创建 serviceB, 然后创建serviceA的。

    但是serviceA 实现了 BeanFactoryPostProcessor, 这将导致 serviceA 提前创建,在这个点时, 还没到普通bean的创建阶段, spring 无法用 ServiceA(ServiceB serviceB) 构造函数来创建实例, 只能fallback到默认空构造函数, 但是不存在空constructor, 就导致bean创建失败。

    spring 启动过程分析

    AbstractApplicationContext.refresh() // spring-context.jar

    1. 刷新的预准备
    2. 获取 BeanFactory
    3. 执行beanFactoryPostProcessor --> 修改或增加bean definition,如果beanFactoryPostProcessor本身需要注入其他的bean,那么这个bean的创建就会被提前。
    4. 执行beanPostProcessor --> 拦截整个Bean的创建过程,如果beanPostProcessor本身需要注入其他的bean,那么这个bean的创建就会被提前。


    BeanPostProcessor本身也是一个Bean,一般而言其实例化时机要早过普通的Bean,但是BeanPostProcessor有时也会依赖一些Bean,这就导致了一些普通Bean的实例化早于 BeanPostProcessor 的可能情况,由此如果使用不当,就会造成一些问题。



    1. Spring @Autowired 失效 BeanFactoryPostProcessor 错误姿势
    2. 注意BeanPostProcessor启动时对依赖Bean的“误伤”陷阱
    3. springboot Bean提前加载未被BeanPostProcessor增强处理导致aop注解切面失效及解决办法
       private TestService testService;
      如上,附上Spring的@Lazy注解就行了,或者使用@Autowired的required = "false",然后在调用处主动校验并从上下文获取Service实例。很明显用@Lazy方便多了。



    The Ioc Container

    Make sure that the dependencies you inject that way are of the simplest kind only. @Configuration classes are processed quite early during the initialization of the context, and forcing a dependency to be injected this way may lead to unexpected early initialization. Whenever possible, resort to parameter-based injection, as in the preceding example.

    Also, be particularly careful with BeanPostProcessor and BeanFactoryPostProcessor definitions through @Bean.

    Those should usually be declared as static @Bean methods, not triggering the instantiation of their containing configuration class.

    Otherwise, @Autowired and @Value may not work on the configuration class itself, since it is possible to create it as a bean instance earlier than AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.

    Otherwise, @Autowired and @Value won’t work on the configuration class itself since it is being created as a bean instance too early.