operator overload

instance constructor  -------> .ctor,实例构造函数
class constructor       --------> .cctor,类型构造函数

CLR通过线程锁机制,保证每个AppDomain中,一个类型的 .cctor只被调用一次


private static int _x = 5,这个是 .cctor 的简化语法,c#编译器会会自动生成一个 .cctor 方法。

操作符重载比如是 public and static的。

c#允许的一元操作符: +, - , !, ~, ++, --

c#允许的一元操作符: +, -, *, /, %, &, |, ^, <<, >>, < ,<= , >, >=

内联代码(Inline) 可以让JIT编译器优化代码,减少方法调用,提升性能。

conversion operator



c#支持转换操作符(conversion operator ) 重载。

public sealed class Rational {
        // Constructs a Rational from an Int32
        public Rational(Int32 num) { ... }
        // Constructs a Rational from a Single
        public Rational(Single num) { ... }
        // Convert a Rational to an Int32
        public Int32 ToInt32() { ... }
        // Convert a Rational to a Single
        public Single ToSingle() { ... }
        // Implicitly constructs and returns a Rational from an Int32
        public static implicit operator Rational(Int32 num) {
        return new Rational(num);
        // Implicitly constructs and returns a Rational from a Single
        public static implicit operator Rational(Single num) {
        return new Rational(num);
        // Explicitly returns an Int32 from a Rational
        public static explicit operator Int32(Rational r) {
        return r.ToInt32();
        // Explicitly returns a Single from a Rational
        public static explicit operator Single(Rational r) {
        return r.ToSingle();

// 生成的IL代码
//  转换操作方法在IL中的名字只有 op_Implicit, op_Explicit两种
public static Rational op_Implicit(Int32 num);
public static Rational op_Implicit(Single num);
public static Int32 op_Explicit(Rational r);
public static Single op_Explicit(Rational r);

// 隐式和显示转换
public sealed class Program {
        public static void Main() {
                Rational r1 = 5; // Implicit cast from Int32 to Rational
                Rational r2 = 2.5F; // Implicit cast from Single to Rational
                Int32 x = (Int32) r1; // Explicit cast from Rational to Int32
                Single s = (Single) r2; // Explicit cast from Rational to Single

extension method



  1. 普通类
  2. 接口
  3. 枚举
  4. 委托


  1. 类本身
  2. 基类或接口
  3. 扩展方法
