
// cookies
document.cookie //获取cookie对象
document.cookie = 'key = value';
document.cookie = 'key = value;expires=date;path=/;'

//cookie是一个分号分割的长 key/value 字符串,读取时需要进行字符串的切割
var  getCookie  = function( keyName){
 	var items = [] , json = {};
	var cookie = document.cookie;
 	if( cookie.length > 0 ){
 		items = cookie.split(';');
 		for(var i = 0;i < items.length;i++){
            var item = items[i].split('=');
 			json[item[0]] = item[1] ;
 		return unescape(json[keyName]);	
        //该函数的工作原理是这样的:通过找到形式为 %xx 和 %uxxxx 的字符序列(x 表示十六进制的数字, 如URL),用 Unicode 字符 \u00xx 和 \uxxxx 替换这样的字符序列进行解码。
        //注释:ECMAScript v3 已从标准中删除了 unescape() 函数,并反对使用它,因此应该用 decodeURI() 和 decodeURIComponent() 取而代之。
 		return '';

// use jquery.cookie.js
var value = $.cookie("name"); //get cookie
$.cookie('name', 'new_value'); //set cookie 
$.cookie('name', 'new_value', { expires: 14, path: '/' }); // set cookie with  ex

LocalStorage, SessionStorage

// html5, localStorage
window.localStorage.setItem(key, value);

// sessionStorage 同 localStorage

Navigator 对象包含有关浏览器的信息。

注释:没有应用于 navigator 对象的公开标准,不过所有浏览器都支持该对象。

window.navigator.cookieEnabled; // 读取浏览器是否设置可以使用cookie
// userAgent 属性是一个只读的字符串,声明了浏览器用于 HTTP 请求的用户代理头的值。


Window is the main JavaScript object root, aka the global object in a browser, also can be treated as the root of the document object model. You can access it as window in most of the cases (in the browser);

window.screen is a small information object about physical screen dimensions.

window.document or just document is the main object of the visible document object model/DOM.

`document` can also be `window.document`, 
`screen` can be `window.screen`, 
`window` can be `window.window` (or` window.window.window`)

console.dir(); //可以在chrome调试工具里显示一个对象的内容
window.location //giving the current URL
window.history //with methods back() and forward() giving the tab's mutable history
window.navigator //describing the browser software

	<p id="p1"> This is the first paragraph.</p>

the paragraph element can be referenced by any of the following:

  • window.p1 or window["p1"]
  • document.getElementById("p1")
  • document.body.firstChild
  • document.body.children[0]


MDN js class

JavaScript classes introduced in ECMAScript 2015 are syntactical sugar over JavaScript’s existing prototype-based inheritance. The class syntax is not introducing a new object-oriented inheritance model to JavaScript. JavaScript classes provide a much simpler and clearer syntax to create objects and deal with inheritance.


html element — id vs name

  1. id 适用于所有元素,name只适用一部分如form, img 等
  2. 当一个form提交数据时,其必须设置name属性
  3. name - document.getElementsByName(); id - document.getElementById()



JavaScript is designed on a simple object-based paradigm. An object is a collection of properties, and a property is an association between a name (or key) and a value. A property’s value can be a function, in which case the property is known as a method.



  1. JS Standard built-in objects
  2. Working with objects
  3. JS面向对象的程序设计
  4. 全面理解面向对象的 JavaScript

    JavaScript 函数式脚本语言特性以及其看似随意的编写风格,导致长期以来人们对这一门语言的误解,即认为 JavaScript 不是一门面向对象的语言,或者只是部分具备一些面向对象的特征。本文将回归面向对象本意,从对语言感悟的角度阐述为什么 JavaScript 是一门彻底的面向对象的语言,以及如何正确地使用这一特性。

  5. Javascript 面向对象编程-阮一峰
